STD Treatment
What is STD mean?
Sexually transmitted disease or STD is generally believed to be a kind of infection that is passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The contact usually occurs through vaginal, oral, and anal sex, and can also turn out to spread through the other intimate physical contact. This is also because some of the STD like herpes and HPV are being spread by skin to skin contact.
STD can also be transmitted non sexually, for example from mother to infant during the pregnancy or childbirth, or through the blood transfusion and shared needles. STD does not always have to cause symptoms. It can be easily taken from people who seem to be perfectly healthy, and might not even be aware that they are having some kind of infection.
How do you get infected with STD?
You can STD through vaginal, anal or the oral sex. An individual can also turn out to be infected with trichomoniasis, and through the contact with the damp or the moist objects like the towels, wet clothing, toilet seats etc, although it is yet believed to spread through sexual contact. In STD you are generally believed to be at a higher risk if you turn out to have sex with more than one partner.
What are the Symptoms of STD?
Sexually transmitted diseases or STD turn out to have a wide range of symptoms, and sometimes you may not have any symptoms. This is one of the major reasons why certain cases turn out to be unnoticed, until and unless there are some major symptoms that turn out to occur. Some of the symptoms you get to see on STD include the following:
- Having pain during sex.
- Unusual varginal bleeding.
- Odd smelling vaginal discharge
- Fever
- Lower pain in the abdomen
- Rashes over the trunk, hand and feet
- Discharge from the penis.
- Sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area.
Who is at risk of sexually transmitted diseases?
Studies have shown that half of the sexually active young adults turn out to acquire one of the STI by the age of 25. And it is the STI that is one of the most commonly found diseases in America. Though this is one of the most common diseases found among teens and adults, the ones who are sexually active are at a major risk. The risk is raised when you have sex with multiple partners. Some of the sexually transmitted diseases include LGV and syphilis and is generally increased among men who have sex with other men.
Can Virgins get affected by STD?
Most of the above-mentioned STD diseases can spread through any type of sexual activity. This also includes skin-to-skin contact and oral sex as well. In short, people who have not had any sexual activity can still get affected at ease.
Can We Be Cured From STD?
Yes. Bacterial STD can be cured with antibiotics only when the treatment is started at the right time. You can treat the various symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, through various medications controlling their spread. Also, there are various vaccinations available that will help you in controlling STD.
Does STD come back?
Yes. In most of the cases, new exposures to the STD that you have acquired in the past can make you have the infection again. Most of the treatments that you take for the sexually transmitted diseases don’t protect you from developing the STD in the future. And if your partner has not been treated for the same, you may pass the infection back and forth. Without taking the right precautions at the right time, you can easily acquire STD again.