Erectile Dysfunction
We can help recover your sexual self-confidence so that you can start enjoying the excitement of sexual intercourse again
Factors that can contribute to erectile dysfunction:
You know that you are more than capable of performing when the time is right. But other factors can be responsible for erectile dysfunction. Here are some examples
What it feels like to have erectile dysfunction
Like other medical problems, erectile dysfunction has indicative signs and symptoms. Here are three of the most common:
1. Achieving an erection is usually difficult.
2. Maintaining an erection becomes tough.
3. Your usual sexual desire seems to be uncommonly absent.
How common is erectile dysfunction?
How common is erectile dysfunction?
Book your appointment!
Your first visit is all-inclusive. For $99, this fee includes a confidential consultation with one of our physicians, PSA testing, testosterone assessment, and a customized “test dose” of our proven medication.